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December 2021 UPDATE

S&N Pension Plancumulative loss of value against RPI inflation of a pre 1997 pension (See below)
2021 AGM
Dear SNPG members
Given the continuing challenges of COVID and the reluctance still of many to meet up with others in confined
spaces we have decided again not to hold an AGM this year. We intend to circulate a note summarising the main
issues of interest which have arisen this year, as we did last year, and hope to have this on the website before the year end.
We hope you will not be too disappointed with this decision and that by this time next year things will be sufficiently back to normal to hold the 2022 AGM as usual.
Kind regards
SNPG Chair
Communication with Heineken UK Pensions team.
We have been asked to pass on a message to ask that if anyone needs to write to the Heineken UK Pensions team or Heineken UK management that they do so by email if possible. If they do send a letter by post could they please include an email address for return correspondence. At the moment the preferred means of communication is by email rather than post due to staff working from home and paper handling being a problem.
The Email Address is:       snpensions@capita.co.uk

Given the continuing challenges of COVID and the reluctance still of many to meet up with others in confinedspaces we have decided again not to hold an AGM this year. We intend to circulate a note summarising the mainissues of interest which have arisen this year, as we did last year, and hope to have this on the website before the year end.Kind regardsSNPG Chair

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