More Press Coverage
In addition to the lead articles in The Times and The Scotsman there has been lots of follow up coverage in both the UK and Holland.
Daily Mirror Tuesday 7 June "Heineken staff bitter over pension pledge"
Daily Mail Tuesday 7 June "Heineken faces S&N pensions row"
BBC Scotland website Monday 6 June "S&N pensioners claim raw deal"
Investment & Pensions Europe 6 June "S&N pensions row"
efinancial news 6 June "S&N pensions plan members accused of breaking promise" 7 June "Heineken row bubbles on"
Newcastle Journal Tuesday 7 June "Row over S&N pension promises"
The Times Tuesday 7 June City diary
Professional Pensions magazine 6 June "Heineken accused of breaking pension promise"
People Management magazine 6 June "Heineken accused of breaking pension promise" 6 June "Heineken faces S&N pension row"
BGN 6 June "Heineken faces S&N row" 6 June "Pensioners call for government probe on Heineken over pensions"
Pensions Insight magazine 8 June " Heineken accused of raw deal for S&N pensioners"
Retirement links 6 June "Heineken faces S&N pensions dispute"
De Telegraaf Tuesday 7 June " Scottish pension conflict with Heineken"
Financieel Daglad Tuesday 7 June "British pensioners angry with Heineken"
The Grocer Tuesday 7 June "Heineken caught up in row over S&N pensions"
Edinburgh Evening News Wednesday 8 June "Time to honour benefits agreed in S&N takeover"
HR Director 8 June "Storm in a beer glass" 6 June " Heineken faces S&N pensioner row"
Scotsman Friday 10 June "Heineken's pensions decision makes a review a must"
Edinburgh Evening News 13 June "MPs to push for inquiry into Heineken pension promise"
York Press 13 June "Dutch bosses in brewery pensions row"
Newcastle Journal 20 June Pensioner case study feature
Look out for more!